Examples of icons in computers include Folder Icons, File Icon, Save Icon, Search Icon, Setting Icon, Print Icon, and many more.
Icons are small pictures or symbols on your computer screen. They help you quickly find and use programs, files, and tools.
Examples of Icons in Computers
Here are the examples of icons in computers with names:
1. Folder Icon
The folder icon looks like a yellow folder with a tab. It represents a place where you can store files and documents. For example, you might save your school projects in a folder named “Homework.”
Folders help you organize your work so you can find it later. You can create new folders, rename them, and move them around. This keeps your desktop and files neat and easy to manage.
2. File Icon
The file icon looks like a white page with a folded corner. It represents individual documents, like a Word file or a PDF. When you open a file, you see the content, such as text, images, or data.
Files are stored inside folders to keep everything neat. You can have many types of files, like text documents, spreadsheets, or pictures. Each file type has its icon, so you can tell them apart.
3. Recycle Bin/Trash Icon
The Recycle Bin (Windows) or Trash (macOS) icon looks like a trash bin. When you delete a file, it goes here. You can restore deleted files from the Recycle Bin or empty them to permanently remove them.
It’s like a safety net for your files. If you accidentally delete something, you can usually get it back from the Recycle Bin. But once you empty the Recycle Bin, the files are gone forever.
4. Save Icon
The save icon looks like a floppy disk, even though most students today have never used one! It represents saving your work. When you click this icon, your document is saved to your computer.
Always save your work often to avoid losing it. If you don’t save, you could lose your work if the computer crashes or the power goes out. Most programs also have an auto-save feature, but it’s good to save manually too.
5. Print Icon
The print icon looks like a printer with a sheet of paper. It lets you print documents. When you click it, your file is sent to a printer. Make sure your printer is connected and has paper before printing. You can also choose how many copies to print and which pages to print. The print icon is usually found in the toolbar of programs like Word or Google Docs.
6. Home Icon
The home icon looks like a small house. It takes you back to the main or home screen of an app or website. For example, on your browser, the home icon opens your homepage. It’s a quick way to start over or return to the beginning. Many apps and websites have a home icon to help you navigate easily. It’s like a reset button for your screen.
7. Settings/Gear Icon
The settings icon looks like a gear or cogwheel. It lets you change how a program or device works. For example, you can adjust screen brightness, Wi-Fi settings, or app preferences. It’s where you customize your computer to fit your needs. You can also update your software, change your password, or set up new devices through the settings menu.
8. Search Icon
The search icon looks like a magnifying glass. It helps you find files, apps, or information. When you click it, a search bar appears. Type what you’re looking for, and the computer will show you results. It’s a fast way to find anything on your computer. You can search for documents, photos, or even settings. The search icon is usually in the top-right corner of your screen.
9. Refresh Icon
The refresh icon looks like a circular arrow. It reloads or updates the content on your screen. For example, if a webpage isn’t loading correctly, click the refresh icon to try again. It’s like giving your computer a little nudge to work better. You can also use it to update your email or social media feeds. The refresh icon is often found in web browsers and apps.
10. Wi-Fi Icon
The Wi-Fi icon looks like a set of curved lines radiating outward. It shows your internet connection. When the lines are full, your connection is strong. If the icon has an “X” or no lines, you’re not connected to the internet.
You can click the Wi-Fi icon to see available networks and connect to one. A good Wi-Fi connection is important for browsing the web, streaming videos, and doing schoolwork online.
11. Battery Icon
The battery icon shows how much power is left on your laptop or device. It looks like a small battery with a percentage or charge level. If the battery is low, plug in your device to charge it. This icon helps you avoid running out of power during important tasks.
Some devices also show how much time is left before the battery dies. Always keep an eye on the battery icon, especially when you’re not near an outlet.
12. Volume Icon
The volume icon looks like a speaker with sound waves. It controls the audio on your computer. Click it to adjust the volume or mute the sound. You can also use it to check if your speakers or headphones are working.
The volume icon is usually in the bottom-right corner of your screen. You can slide the volume up or down to make it louder or quieter.
13. Play/Pause Icon
The play icon looks like a right-pointing triangle. The pause icon looks like two vertical lines. These icons control media, like videos or music. Click play to start and pause to stop. They’re common in video players and music apps. You can also use them to control videos on websites like YouTube. The play and pause icons make it easy to watch and listen to media.
14. Minimize/Maximize/Close Icons
These icons are in the top-right corner of most windows. The minimize icon looks like a minus sign. It shrinks the window to the taskbar. The maximize icon looks like a square. It makes the window fill the screen. The close icon looks like an “X.” It shuts the window or program.
These icons help you manage multiple windows on your screen. You can minimize a window to get it out of the way or maximize it to see more content.
15. User/Profile Icon
The user icon looks like a silhouette of a person or ahead. It represents your account or profile. Click it to log in, switch users, or change your settings. It’s how the computer knows who is using it. You can also use the user icon to sign out or lock your computer. This keeps your account secure when you’re not using it.