Personification is a literary device in which human qualities or attributes are given to non-human entities or objects.
Examples of Personification
Here are 20 Examples of Personification:
Example 1
1: The wind whispered through the trees.
In this example, the wind is given the human ability to whisper.
Example 2
2: The sun smiled down on the beach.
Personification is used to attribute the human quality of smiling to the sun.
Example 3
3: The flowers nodded in the gentle breeze.
The flowers are personified by giving them the human action of nodding.
Example 4
4: The stars danced in the night sky.
Stars are given the human ability to dance, making this an example of personification.
Example 5
5: The car grumbled as it struggled up the steep hill.
The car is personified by attributing the human emotion of grumbling to it.
Example 6
6: The old house groaned as if it were alive.
Personification is used to make the house seem as if it can groan, attributing a human characteristic to it.
Example 7
7: The river sang a soothing lullaby.
The river is personified by giving it the human ability to sing.
Example 8
8: The clock on the wall watched the students intently.
Personification is used to attribute the human action of watching to the clock.
Example 9
9: The thunder roared angrily in the distance.
Thunder is personified with the human emotion of anger.
Example 10
10: fire eagerly consumed the dry wood.
The fire is personified by using the human attribute of eagerness.
Example 11
11: The moon winked behind the clouds.
Personification is used to give the moon the human action of winking.
Example 12
12: The waves whispered secrets to the shore.
The waves are personified by giving them the human ability to whisper secrets.
Example 13
13: The Mountain stood tall, proud, and unmoving.
The mountain is personified by attributing human qualities of pride and steadfastness to it.
Example 14
14: The book called out to be read.
Personification is used to give the book the human action of calling out.
Example 15
15: The raindrops danced on the pavement.
Raindrops are personified by attributing the human action of dancing to them.
Example 16
16: The shadow of the tree reached out to touch the garden.
Personification is used to give the shadow the human action of reaching out.
Example 17
17: The pen refused to cooperate, making writing a frustrating task.
The pen is personified by attributing the human quality of refusal to it.
Example 18
18: The computer greeted me with a friendly welcome message.
Personification is used to give the computer the human action of greeting.
Example 19
19: The mountain peak beckoned to the climbers with a silent challenge.
The mountain peak is personified by giving it the human action of beckoning and issuing a challenge.
Example 20
20: The autumn leaves whispered secrets to each other as they fell to the ground.
Personification is used to give the leaves the human ability to whisper secrets and communicate with each other.